About the relations between species in my universe...and some other facts....do you notized that...
48 votes
looks like really doesn`t care if the characters are former preys or predators
Looks like cats and dogs get quite well!
Where are the reptilians?
What happened with the avians after the 1000 days war? (technically, they are still everywhere, in peace now)
Did you notized that foxes are the must numerous species in the Rupian Federation, cats in the Albornoz Empire and dogs in Falc?
some fo your characters loves to destroy the stereotyped jobs for them. as Kurfust MAILDOG or Dora as professional swimmer XD
Other (ask me)
Griffon city have great weather altough is in a cold country, right? Protected by the mountains
I still don`t know how Marcos met the Klendathu siblings! please tell me x3
Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive

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DingoPatagonico's avatar
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Saur-ssb's avatar
The predator prey relationship LOOKS like a non issue